Catálogo Bibliográfico

Búsqueda por tema: Hidrología.
Mostrando 1-8 de 8 resultados, ordenados por
1. The geological disposal of nuclear waste / Neil A. Chapman and Ian G. McKinley, with contributions on radiological protection by Marion D. Hill. 1987 Libro
2. Guidebook on nuclear techniques in hydrology / prepared under the aegis of the IAEA/UNESCO Working Group on Nuclear Techniques in Hydrology of the International Hydrological Programme. — 1983 ed. 1983 Libro
OIEA T.R.S. 91
3. Arid-zone hydrology : investigations with isotope techniques : proceedings of an advisory group meeting on application of isotope techniques in arid zones hydrology / organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and held in Vienna from 6 to 9 November 1978. 1980 Libro
OIEA PANEL 621.039.8:551.49 1978
4. Centrales eléctricas / E. Santo Potess. 1971 Libro
5. Nuclear well logging in hydrology / IHD Working Group on Nuclear Techniques in Hydrology. 1971 Libro
OIEA T.R.S. 126
6. Tritium and other environmental isotopes in the hydrological cycle : report of a panel. 1967 Libro
OIEA T.R.S. 73
7. Guide to the safe handling of radioisotopes in hydrology. 1966 Libro
OIEA S.S. 20
8. Application of Isotope techniques in hydrology : a comprehensive report / from the Panel ... held in Vienna from 6-9 November 1961. 1962 Libro
OIEA T.R.S. 11

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